[2003.09.16: The Period for submissions is Closed and Finished. There were no entries.
There shall be no winner this time. One Judge was nominated and is now released.
Therefore I will take myself and a guest to a fine dinner instead and contemplate
next year's Contest. I'll leave this page up as a reminder. Please keep using
surfPPC whenever you get a wild tick. Then send your best image and perhaps
I'll post it here.]
There shall be 5 prizes.
(In someplace like Guyane Francais, this may extend an entire week. In New York... it's Lunch, for One!)
of a piece of signed and embossed JJLG art.
Or your © art printed on my printer.
full of JJLG art and/or surfPPC materials of your preference.
of your art in the surfPPC section at jjlg.com for at least a year.
Your comments included.
of a piece of signed and embossed JJLG art.
Or your © art printed on my printer.
full of JJLG art and/or surfPPC materials of your preference.
of your art in the surfPPC section at jjlg.com for at least a year.
Your comments included.
A chance to get your enhancement request moved to the head of the list.
A special gift of Jimbo's choice.
of a piece of signed and embossed JJLG art.
Or your © art printed on my printer.
CD full of JJLG art and/or surfPPC materials of your preference.
Prominent Display of your art in the surfPPC section at jjlg.com for at least a year. Your comments included.
1 Content
Successful entries shall have used surfPPC as an integral part of their creation.
2 Submissions
Successful entries must be sent to the link:
via email, during the period of the Contest.
3 Format
Successful entries are http URL links to jpg, mov, or gif format images or animations.
Send only the URL, not the image or its thumbnail, in the format below:
Subject="surfPPC2003Entry", Title="my image", URL="xxx.yyy",
where yyy=jpg, mov or gif.
4 Size Limits
Maximum image or movie dimension is 1024 pixels, the most popular size in 2003
Maximum file size is 5MB. Most viewers can tolerate the download.
(Submissions of larger size shall be accepted and viewed,
but for a Successful entry, a final version of no more than 5MB must be submitted
during the judging period. We may be able to help you.)
There is no limit to the number of entries.
5 Time Period
Period for submissions to this contest is Jun 01 2003 - Sep 01 2003 UTC.
Period of Nomination of Judges is June 01 2003 - Jul 30 2003 UTC.
Period of Judging is Jun 01 2003 - Sep 30 2003 UTC.
Contest Winners shall be announced soon after the end of the judging period.
It's a rather long contest, with an early announcement.
Therefore, there shall be emphasis on quantity as well as quality of entries.
6 Judging and Arbitration
I, James J Lemon, shall NOT be a Judge (except for one JJLG Prize) nor shall I be an Entrant for any prize.
Instead, I shall serve as secretary and recorder, and
appoint a panel of three volunteer Judges.
Only in the case of the unlikely even of a tie,
I shall be the one who flips the coin to decide the winners.
There shall be 3 Judges.
The choices made by the Judges are Final.
Each Judge can vote for Judge Awards in each category,
which are weighted and summed to arrive at the Overall Contest Awards.
The final Big Award will be awarded to the entry with the highest total number of votes.
Judges shall be luminaries and experts in the field of the visual arts, especially digital image creation.
Judging shall be accompished via the Internet and email.
Anyone my nominate a judge via email to the above address.
Judging Points Awarded for
Success, Degree of Difficulty Regardless of Success, Imagination, Animation,
Polish I mean Refinement, Use of Features, WildCard
7 Obligation & Disclaimer
These rules are entirely subject to James J. Lemon Graphics.
I don't intend to change them,
but reserve the right to do so at any time.
In case there are no entries, never mind, all offers are Null and void.
Null and void in territories beyond the bounds of the imagination,
where contests of this sort are Null and Void or Prohibited,
8 Penalty
What have you to lose, 10 minutes or a year of your time?... It's nothing!
9 Release
So Be It.
You Are Free to Have Fun!
James J Lemon Graphics -- -- 05.29.2003